Thursday 18 July 2013

See what???

There has been massive discussion on Video Analytics, ranging from a necessary security measure, to a witch hunt on Snowden for exposing abuse of power on privacy (if you've never heard of him, check this out: The whistleblower). 

So first things first: What is video analytics?! In it's essence, it's a generic term used to describe computerized processing and analysis of video streams. In other words, every time you pass by a surveillance camera, from ATM machines, to security cameras in an airport, this generates information that can be used by surveillance system operators, security officers, government, corporate managers and so on, and so forth. By automatically monitoring people, vehicles and objects, within a camera's view, it's possible to understand their behaviors, and prevent events such as traffic or theft, or add value to a business. 

You may be asking yourself - But why? Well, on average, humans have an attention span of 10 to 25 minutes, so if you haven't lost your focus by now, you probably already get that automated monitoring of cameras can be faster, less costly and 24/7. And apart from the obvious security issue Video Analytics can be used to drive a business in ways such as getting in the consumer's pocket before he changes his mind, or helping uncover where to position a product in a store. More on these topics to come! 

Join us as we explore new technologies, business applications and some pretty cool trends on SeeIE!

1 comment:

  1. Well, when it comes down to conspiracy theories, people can even make movies like "Enemy of the State" and emphasize their point, but the truth is that with the rapid technological advances in current age, the tools to monitor crime, need to be equally sophisticated. There can be arguments on both good and bad effects of Video Analytics, but there is no denying that it is the way of future.
    It would be a pleasure to explore more in this field along with you folks :-)
