Monday 2 September 2013

Synchronizing Visual Analytics and Social Media

If you ever once uttered the words “It’s a small world!” it was likely in the context of realizing you were somehow connected to a random stranger through a random sphere of your life. It could have been a past job, an old class mate, or distant relative. This phenomenon is popularly recognized as the 6 degrees of separation. Essentially it is the theory that everyone and everything is six or fewer steps away from any other person in the world. How much closer do you think people are now with social media? It is a curiosity. Perhaps it is more fun to not know and have those connections surprise you from time to time.

With the help of Visual Analytics and Social Media we can explore all kinds of inter connections beyond the 6 degrees that cross  many various aspects of life, not just who we might bump into. The interdisciplinary approach is superior in solving complex issues. For example, the uploaded YouTube video contains an example of the capabilities to gather information from micro blog texts from various languages about symptoms of illnesses and visualize these over a geographical spread in time. With this information further analysis can be conducted utilizing keywords from micro blog accounts that people mindlessly publish. The end results and conclusion may surprise you! It is important to note that much of the information individuals publish on micro blogs like twitter and Facebook can be used by analysts to visualize trends in time and geographic space.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing Video !! I could have never imagined how Visual Analytics can help keep a track of, analyze symptoms of and determine root cause of an epidemic spreading around a particular town.
    And as for the Social Media and Visual Analytics closing in the 6 dimensions of connections between people, I think we have a very popular illustration of this on Linkedin, where your circles and network now connect you to millions of other people.
