Monday 7 October 2013

Visual Analytics: the journey so far ..

A bunch of International MBA students : diverse in terms of countries of origin, diverse in terms of languages they speak, diverse in terms of professional backgrounds they come from - when this lot of ours came together in Group C and ventured into this exciting journey of exploring the latest happenings in an upcoming technology of Visual Analytics, we discovered so many things.

We understood how Visual Analytics works, we explored its applications in numerous sectors, we wondered on how it is helping many people from athletes to scientists alike, what are the possible challenges with this technology and what pros and cons it presents.

When we came across this information, we shared it on this blog, and we made every effort to make this blog accessible and visible to as many people as we can.

We added Plus-One's on Google-Plus, we shared the posts on our Facebook profiles, we created a facebook page [] to promote it all at one place.

But, that was not the only thing we did.

We also played with the free Analytics tool made available by Google in form of Google Webmasters. In here, we submitted our blog website for indexing, and for Google bots to crawl around it.
This configuration gave us the Search keywords, which we used to label our posts with. This site also provided us with special tags to insert into the HTML of our blog for Search Engine Optimization [S.E.O.].

We think results of this entire effort by the group - to explore and post about different aspects of Visual Analytics, to publicize what we posted on Google Plus and Facebook, and to use modern day technology of web analytics and search engine optimization to make the blog more visible in Google searches - are paying off eventually. In around two months time, our viewership has already crossed 1700 mark and the count in on the rise everyday.

Before we conclude this journey so far, here are a couple of snapshots of the SEO and web analytics tool that we deployed. Who knows, may be some day our readers can try these settings themselves and benefit from these tools just like we did :-)

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