Monday 5 August 2013

If you too forget people's names, there may be a light at the end of the tunnel...

As the battle between privacy protection and tech advancement continues, apparently Google has lost a battle. Intensified arguments and concerns towards access to personal information about people and other objects viewed by the Google Glass device forced the company to ban facial recognition and voice-print apps for the device. 

This means a halt on the stalkers and creeps, but also in the advancement of the ability to identify someone and bring up allergies, for example, in the case of a doctor, or prevention of people like me facing the embarrassment of not remembering a person's name. However, we all know that new things take time to sink in, so hopefully, our name-forgetting days are counted. And if this day should come sooner than later, and you still feel unsafe, rest assured that there will always be "rebel" technologies to protect you, such as the "Glasses to stop Google Glass from recognizing your face". Now isn't that something - Japan researchers already created the antimatter of the Google Glass even before it exists...

More info:

1 comment:

  1. Hmm.. so now the "networking" in schools can get much easier, as we will know all the background info about a person just by wearing the Google glasses, that is unless somebody has been to Japan to buy that protection of course :-)
