Friday 23 August 2013

Visual Analytics: Challenges that lie ahead

It all started in 2005, when an international team of inter-disciplinary panelists from IEEE CG&A coined the definition of term visual analytics as, "Science of analytical reasoning facilitated by interactive visual interfaces". Visual Analytics and its applications in various fields of research, security and business have come a long way since then.

Today in 2013, as we take a look at various aspects of visual analytics through our blog, an obvious question that comes to our minds is, what are the potential challenges that lie ahead for this promising sector? Can these challenges be overcome?

Lets take a brief overview of all this and more in my current post.

First and the foremost of the challenges for visual analytics going forward is to develop in-situ analysis capabilities. With the volumes of data to be processed increasing by minute, the traditional approach of storing this data into conventional database and then processing it may be a major bottleneck. High Performance Computing of data, even while it is in the memory in the need of this day and visual analytics platforms need to incorporate this requirement while coming up with new upgrades.

Another major challenge comes in terms of limitations in terms of human interaction and user interfacing of visual analytics systems. The challenges in this regards are multiple, ranging from handling heterogeneous inputs to scalability to accurate representation of all data uncertainties and evidences, all the way up to limitations of human cognitive abilities to process the visual analytics data for accurate interpretations.

Speaking of human and system performance limitations, another major challenge is also of storage of huge data that visual analytics takes in. With all companies preferring cloud based storage, data required to be processed by visual analytics tools that are deployed by say Facebook is huge and requires not only huge cloud based storage, but also a capability to maintain this storage online at all times. Various algorithms which process this data in cloud, are also many a times based in the cloud and updating and maintaining these algorithms is another challenge that comes along with this.

With these huge scales of data that we are now talking about, when it comes to future and current challenges, there is also a regulatory aspect involved with various governments restricting the flow and access of data between countries and regions. These government regulations impose new constraints on efficient processing logic needed.

Well, well, well .. so much to talk about when it comes to challenges that lie ahead. So, can these be overcome?

Why not? With efficient combination of High Performance Computing [HPC] and parallel/multi-thread processing, many of the computing issues can atleast be nailed down. Government regulations cannot be helped and processing logic and storage and data retrieval mechanisms will have to find the most efficient way around.

When it comes to human cognitive skills though, who knows we may soon have to defrost the Super-Human "Kahn" and his crew that the Star Trek folks has recently succeeded to freeze into state of coma :-D

1 comment:

  1. Iuri Bruns commented: Legal! Mas esse tema é muito louco... Qual será o fim disso tudo? Várias pessoas inventando e vendendo "malware/spywares" e suas soluções ao mesmo tempo? Para as pessoas que querem se proteger, vende-se a solução, e para aqueles que querem buscar informações, o software trambique? Qual update vem 1o?
    Será que tudo terá que depender apenas da ética?
